Monday, April 12

No One Will See Her Cry.

I'm the only the friend,

Who stands there and watches her hurt,

I see it all from a bird's eye view.

How happy she seems,

But I know better than the others.

She can pretend she's not hurting,

Pretend that he was just another guy,

That she's fine with all this.

But I can see the tear forming in her eye.

She hides behind a smile and bright colored clothes.

She creates a shield of friends around her,

Making sure they're all facing away,

So no one will see her cry.

Yet I don't stand in the circle of friends around her.

I'm far away,

Watching from a distance,

As none of them know how much she hurts.

I could always confront her about him.

But what good would that do,

She would just try to make me join her other friends who think everything is fine.

But I won't join.

I won't ignore the pain I see.

So I'll stand here for now and watch.

Watch the tears that form.

Watch the shadow wrap its arms around her.

Welcoming her into depression.

I sigh as I realize there's nothing I can do,

But walk away,

And go get my sniper.

Then head od off to kill that jack ass boy

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